Building Ventilation and Heat Recovery for HVAC Systems

Sheraton Four Points, Norwood, MA 1125 Boston Providence Turnpike, Norwood, United States

Agenda: Ventilation Introduction to Heat Recovery – Conserving Energy vs Recovering Energy and why you need to do both Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) Systems Hot Gas Reheat (HGRH) for Packaged RTUs Heat Reclaim Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Heat Pumps Chiller … Continued

Energy Savings with Variable Frequency Drives (session 1)

1-day class with choice of dates: October 9, 16, 23. Training on variable frequency drives (VFDs), how to identify applications for VFDs, and how to set them up to save energy, with a focus on commercial buildings. Agenda: What are … Continued

Energy Savings with Variable Frequency Drives (session 2)

1-day class with choice of dates: October 9, 16, 23, 30. Training on variable frequency drives (VFDs), how to identify applications for VFDs, and how to set them up to save energy, with a focus on commercial buildings. Agenda: What … Continued

Energy Savings with Variable Frequency Drives (session 3)

1-day class with choice of dates: October 9, 16, 23, 30. Training on variable frequency drives (VFDs), how to identify applications for VFDs, and how to set them up to save energy, with a focus on commercial buildings. Agenda: What … Continued

Energy Savings with Variable Frequency Drives (session 4)

1-day class with choice of dates: October 9, 16, 23, 30. Training on variable frequency drives (VFDs), how to identify applications for VFDs, and how to set them up to save energy, with a focus on commercial buildings. Agenda: What … Continued

Introduction to Lighting Controls

Sheraton Four Points, Norwood, MA 1125 Boston Providence Turnpike, Norwood, United States

Learn about a variety of lighting controls technologies such as Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC), relevant codes and standards, how to identify appropriate applications to save energy with lighting controls, the basics of integrating with building automation systems, and which … Continued

Energy Efficiency and Electrification in Industrial Facilities

Sheraton Four Points, Norwood, MA 1125 Boston Providence Turnpike, Norwood, United States

Introduction to a variety of energy efficiency and electrification measures in manufacturing/industrial facilities, how to conduct a site visit, and how to identify potential opportunities for a given facility. Agenda: Introduction Site visit Systems and Measures: Outside Air Intake & … Continued

Introduction to Lighting Controls


Learn about a variety of lighting controls technologies such as Luminaire Level Lighting Controls (LLLC), relevant codes and standards, how to identify appropriate applications to save energy with lighting controls, the basics of integrating with building automation systems, and which … Continued

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